International Dialogue:
"Water, Happiness and Conscious Cooperation for the Peaceful
and Prosperous Mekong River Basin" to be held online on
Monday, 21 March 2022, 14h00 – 16h30, Bangkok time
(Celebrating the International Day of Happiness '20 Mar 2022' and the World
Water Day '22 Mar 2022')
Background and rationale
Mekong river is one of the longest (12th in the world; 7th in Asia) and largest (10th
in the world) rivers in the world. Length of the river is 4,880 km, covering basin
area of 795,000 square kilometers and feeding altogether 326 million people.
The mighty Mekong is a pride of its six riparian countries in particular and of Asia
and the world in general. Mekong River provides water, esthetic beauty, food,
energy, transport, employment, and opportunities for cooperation among six
riparian countries, research, trade and tourism, and more. Mekong river comes
from the high mountains of Qinghai province, passing through Tibet mountains
along the length of Yunnan province (China), through Myanmar, Thailand, Laos,
and Cambodia before entering Vietnam.
It also creates a unique culture for the places where it flows through, attracting
many tourists to explore as a famous tourist destination. Linked by mountains
and rivers, the six riparian countries feature cultural similarities as well as
diversity, and enjoy profound traditional good neighborhood and friendship and
share closely inter-connected security and development interests. The total trade
of the region is about 60 billion US dollar with approximately 7% increase in GDP
before the Covid-19 pandemic. Approximately 326 million peoples depend
directly on Mekong river basin and people around the world benefited indirectly
through networks, linkages, collaboration in many areas, and partnership.
Interdependency between Mekong river basin (nearly 800,000 km2) and peoples
around the world is very obvious.
Hence Mekong river basin became a center of attention on the world’s stage
from numerous perspectives such as wealth of the river, health and
sustainability, environment and biodiversity conservation, economy, trade,
politics, culture, history, governance (national and transboundary), security,
tradition, indigenous affairs and value, religion, happiness, development,
cooperation, partnership, communication, transport, banking, science,
technology, business, diplomacy, inclusiveness, etc. etc.,
Having a glance from the hydrology, transboundary, and flow wealth perspective,
nearly half of Mekong river flows inside China. Most of its section has deep
gorges. Leaving China, the river is only about 500 m above sea level. After that,
a section which is about 200 km long forms the border between Myanmar and
Laos. At the end of the border, the river joins the Ruak River in the Golden
Triangle. This place is also the dividing point for Upper and Lower parts of the
Mekong River.
The Mekong River then forms the border of Laos and Thailand before flowing
into Laos in Bokeo province. The river in Laos is characterized by deep gorges,
fast currents, and shallow pools of water which are about half a meter deep in the
dry season. The river then forms the border of Laos and Thailand in the section
flowing through Vientiane to Champasak province. The next is a short part in
Laos with a tributary on the left bank that is Xe Don river flowing into Pak Se.
The Se Kong, Se San, and Sre Pok (3S Basin) are the main tributaries entering
on the left bank of the Mekong. The Tonle Sap River drains the Great Lake (or
Tonle Sap Lake) into the Mekong River during the dry season and reverses its
flow during the rainy season. It is an outstanding hydrodynamic characteristic of
the Mekong River, the role of water flow regulation by Tonlé Sap Lake.
Near the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh, the Bassac River, the Mekong’s
largest distributary, branches off. This is where the Mekong Delta begins as the
Mekong and Bassac Rivers enter a large fertile plain in southern Viet Nam. In
this area, known as the ‘Nine Dragons’, a series of smaller distributaries split off
from the main stream of the Mekong and Bassac. (Source: MRC Mekong
The right branch Bassac River when flows into Vietnam, it is called Hau River
and the left is Mekong River (or Tien River in Vietnam). Both flow into the vast
delta region of South Vietnam, about 220–250 km long. The group of all nine
major river branches in Vietnam is collectively referred to as the Mekong Delta or
Cuu Long River (Nine-Dragon River). (Source: M-POWER programme, CPWF,
So far, at least four regional connectivity initiatives have been operational in the
Mekong region:
(1)the Mekong River Commission (MRC) ,
(2) the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS),
(3) the Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI), and
(4) the Lancang Mekong Cooperation (LMC)
Moreover, a number of multi-institutional research initiatives on Mekong river
basin exist with the support of the local and international researchers and
research institutes.
Among others, the CPWF Project PN50 “Enhancing multi-scale water
governance” was a flagship activity of the Mekong Program on Water,
Environment Resilience (M-POWER). The goal of helping improve livelihood
security, human and ecosystem health in the Mekong Region through
democratizing water governance was pursued through critical research and
direct engagement with stakeholders involved in managing floods, irrigation,
hydropower, watersheds, fisheries and urban water works at various scales. The
project identified common governance problems and suggested ways that some
can be addressed. Often, for example, there are needs to: strengthen local
representation, improve the quality of deliberative processes, enhance the
interplay between institutions at different levels, and build capacities to handle
uncertainties and adapt to changes in flow regimes.
To this extent, the International Research Associates for Happy Society (IRAH) established since 2007, saw an opportunity to
contribute to above mentioned meaningful works in the Mekong Region with
additional and important work on “happiness and peace”. IRAH approach is not
only people-centered but also holistic wellbeing of human-centered, where
human beings and nature mutually help sustain each other and happiness is
essential as much as water, food and electricity. It is, in fact, a fair statement
since human beings are either constructive or destructive forces, builders or
destroyers of the world. From the very beginning of industrialization to date,
human beings unintentionally altered the nature and the world by triggering the
Climate Change and its consequences – water related disasters and other
disasters – by uncontrolled greed, ignorance and lust. When looking at the
composition of material development and spiritual development, the well-
balanced communities/societies are happier than unbalanced
communities/societies, which include material wealth and greed abundant but the
spiritually poor (or) poverty stricken communities/societies.
IRAH belief that happiness is the ultimate goal of an individual human being.
However, each and every individual measures happiness in his/her own way –
defined by power, greed, sympathy, passion, bullying, intruding, giving, serving,
charity, peace, support, justice, and/or sacrifices. To create a collective
happiness that is more sustainable, well accepted by morally sound individuals
and communities, the spiritual transformation and conscious cooperation is
necessary in order to rewrite the new development paradigm!
Now is time to reverse current negative trend into positive by making conscious
decisions to strike the balance. The Common Goal can be set to achieve
“happiness for all” on Earth, however, we will begin with the Mekong River Basin
populace and the peace and prosperity of the Mekong countries through
conscious cooperation.
The new and sustained development do not measure economic prosperity alone.
Instead, it conceptualized towards the goal of happiness that involves physical,
mental, social and spiritual aspects including environmental aspect. Relationship
among human and other beings / nature is essential for societal happiness that
human beings have to realize the interdependence of their well-beings and
others’. Inner happiness with mindfulness, compassion, and unexploited natural
resources is essential to achieve sustainable development. To raise awareness
of this need and conscious participation from multi-level governance decision
makers, IRAH convened three international conferences in the past. This
international dialogue on “Water, Happiness and Conscious Cooperation for
peaceful and prosperous Mekong River Basin” is the 4th edition of IRAH’s
attempt to create happy societies on Earth.
In the occasion of the International Day on Happiness (March 20) and World
Water Day (March 22), IRAH organizes this forum to raise awareness and for
conscious cooperation towards sustainable happiness as well as sustainable
water resources and development as a part of the celebration of these two
important days.
As a follow up of this international dialogue, IRAH hope to collaborate with the
group of researchers and development organizational partners to work further on
these issues and draw up public policy schemes, which need to be redesigned to
increase individual and societal happiness. Please join us for co-creating happy
society of Mekong countries.